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INTENTIONAL Communication Through the Arts

Intentional Communication

This class integrates speech and voice with self-expression through the arts. This class aims to improve speech clarity, volume, and expression through integration of traditional speech therapy and performing arts basics. We will target individual goals while implementing fun and new experiences in a community setting. Come join us to break down communication barriers, socialize, and build confidence in your ability to clearly and intentionally communicate. 

Wellness 360 Physical therapy and Massage

Who is this Class for?

This class will benefit people with Parkinson’s Disease and Aphasia, however, anyone who struggles with effective communication is welcome.

Wellness 360 Physical therapy and Massage


Every Tuesday from 2pm - 3pm 
at Wellness 360 through Callan Harris PT

1328 University Ave Rochester, NY


Wellness 360 Physical therapy and Massage

Meet the Instructors 

Emily Wegman

-Emily Wegman: Board Certified Speech-Language Pathologist with a focus on treating adults with neurological disorders, and owner of Flower City Speech Connections.

Contact Emily

Shauni Ruetz, LMT

Shauni Ruetz: Licensed Massage Therapist and recording artist/performer with a Bachelor of Arts in Musical Theater and Dance Minor. When she is not performing in NYC, Shauni’s focus is on deep tissue massage that treats specific ailments.

Contact Shauni

How to Join our Classes 

Intial Evaluation is Required 

Please contact Emily Wegman, SLP to schedule your initial evaluation
(585) 371-8118
or email 

Call 585-259-0782

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