Mindset Matters for Caregivers
Caregiver burnout is a very real thing. Being a Caregiver is a role that is not always a choice. Many people become caregivers due to a...
Mindset Matters for Caregivers
Osteoarthritis (OA)
Parkinson's Symptoms: Freezing Gait
How can Physical Therapy help with balance impairments?
Exercise Benefits for Parkinson's Disease
Shoulder Pain and Parkinson's Disease
Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness
Core Strengthening For Pain Reduction
Activity Ideas For Caregivers
Exercising with Joint Pain
Stretching: Is it really important?
Reassessment testing for Parkinson's Clients
Massage as Preventative Care
HIIT Exercise
PWR Physical Therapy
Exercise Recovery
Traveling Tips For The Holiday Season
Exercise Considerations As We Age
The Importance of Balance Exercise
Parkinson's Disease: The Biggest Nutritional Concerns